Tuesday, February 18, 2014

*Cough* 3 Months! *Sneeze* Where are my slippers?

Ok. So I should be a little more excited. After all, not only have I hit the 3 month mark, but also it was Valentines Day, and I had a 3 day weekend for Presidents Day. 

However. Its Tuesday, I should be at work, but instead I'm home sick. Trust me, I know how to rock the 3 day weekend with total success. (If you can't read sarcasm, then understand I was referencing my weekend spent in bed being a total wuss.)

Either way, that doesn't mean that this little peanut hasn't aged another week! This kid is damn near the second trimester, and *hopefully* getting all of it's first semester kinks out now. Seriously, kid. Just do it. Hurl. Pee three times in one night. Make mom wanna die. Just do it, and move on. You're killin me smalls.

UPDATES! 12 weeks - aka 3 MONTHS!!!! 

Baby is the Size of: Just over 2inches long from crown to rump, baby is the size of a lime! 

Baby’s New Developments (According to Baby Center): Baby has some major reflexes now! Baby's fingers are working on being able to open and close, mouth can make sucking movements, toes will curl, and eyes can clench closed. Bonus fun for this week - if I poke my tummy, baby squirms in response! I won't be able to feel it for a few more weeks, but its a little fun to imagine Peanut squirming away with a "wtf?!" eye clench to go along with it.

Food Cravings: Still the same! Strawberries are a godsend, and this sore throat really loves mint tea with tons of honey.

Food Aversions: Spice. Hubby made really good home made enchiladas for Valentines Day, and even the mild sauce was spiiiiiicy! The flavors were amazing, but holy cow! 

Most Common Symptoms: No news here - nausea is still doing decently ok, hopefully making its exit! 

What’s New: I got a knee pillow! And I've taken out the extra pillows propping up my main pillow in effort to get more mobility. It has helped so so much - the knee pillow really helps alleviate the pressure on my hips, and having my main pillow lay flat again lets me rotate from side to side. Ahhhhh freedom. 

Hopes: Hoping to kick this cold!!! There is only so much mint tea and honey in my house. Keep in mind that being preggo you're pretty much banned from any cold med you wish you could take. So, here goes tea and honey.

Intuitions: Still hoping its a girl! Tanya & Cody noticed I'm carrying a little more forwards than sideways, so it might be early signs that Peanut is really a boy. (Lets just keep our fingers crossed its just an early bump!)

Best Moment of the Week: Two words: knee pillow.

The latest bump pic from Valentine's Day, thinking pink!! 

My Valentines!

Lets hope for a healthier week coming up, and next Saturday means SECOND TRIMESTERRRRR!!!! Break out the party hats, ladies! 

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